Maine Families support with newborns and parenting is free and just a phone call away. A caring and professional visitor from Maine Families can come right to your home to provide breastfeeding support and answer any questions about your baby.
Phone Meghan Butler (207) 356-6194 or Jessica Martin (207) 279-1975
You can callto schedule a free in-home visit with a registered nurse who can help you figure out breastfeeding and answer all your post-baby questions.
WIC (Women, Infants, and Children) serves breastfeeding babies under the age of 1. The Piscataquis County WIC Clinic is at Bangor Public Health & Community Services. They’re ready to help!
Maine CDC Public Health Nurses are registered professional nurses who care about the health of every person in Maine. Call to be referred to someone who can answer questions about breastfeeding and your baby’s health.
Office Phone (207) 287-4112 / Referral Line (1-888) 644-1130