You can callto schedule a free in-home visit in Piscataquis County with a registered nurse who can answer questions and help to check your baby’s health.
Maine CDC Public Health Nurses are registered professional nurses who care about the health of every person in Maine. Call to be referred to someone who can answer questions about your baby’s health.
Office Phone (207) 287-4112 / Referral Line (1-888) 644-1130
Maine Families Piscataquis County is a network of professionals who support parents of new babies. Call to ask about a free in-home visit or to find the help you need.
Phone Meghan Butler (207) 356-6194 or Jessica Martin (207) 279-1975
Help Me Grow (HMG) Maine is a free information line linking families and professionals to information about child development, pregnancy, and community resources for children all over Maine up to the age of eight years old.